This past week, Home of Christ Church in Cupertino (HOC5) hosted its annual Vacation Bible School (VBS) for the children. Reportedly, 332 children, excluding parents and 150 church volunteers attended.
From Monday June 20 – Friday June 24, children assembled in the morning at 9 a.m. till 12 p.m. for a daily bible school. Its program included bible stories, praise and worship, skits, indoor and outdoor activities specially designed for children to learn about God’s love at their best.
Another highlight of the VBS is the astounding number of volunteers working for the event. From schooling-teenagers to professional teachers, 150 members of HOC5 willingly put themselves in the positions of caretakers, teachers, leaders, companions and servants at the same time. Sister Angela Chen, minister of the Chinese ministry and the children ministry, said, “Each year, my co-workers and I are excited for the VBS. It’s an opportunity for us to learn how to serve. It helps us to grow.”
For each of the five days, there were daily themes such as “God Listens”, “God Provides”, “God Forgives”, “God Protects” and “God Rules”. As simple as it sounded, it is the truth from the bible that the elders were trying to instill in their children.
Parents were not excluded either. They attended workshops with topics related to raising children, joyful life, sharing and testimonies and life itself. Before the school ended, they saw a slide show featuring their children participating in activities in the bible school.
Among the children who came, many were un-churched neighborhood kids. Being on summer break, the VBS was a perfect opportunity for them to come and learn about a God who loves them and forgives.
“The most exciting thing is to see the children receive Christ. We’re so touched,” claims Ms. Chen. “Two years ago, there were two children visiting from China who attended our bible school. Their lives changed. In turn, their parents’ lives were changed too. Last year, their parents bought tickets and flew all the way from China to attend our bible school again.”