LifeWay Christian Resource is offering the annual Homeschool Family Adventure in August for homeschooling Christian parents. The event is expected to take place twice this summer–-the first event, from Aug. 1-5 at the LifeWay Glorieta Conference Center in New Mexico, and the second event from Aug. 26-29 at the LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center in North Carolina.
“The week is designed to refresh and enhance the vision of homeschooling parents through offering a great variety of speakers and workshops,” said Zan Tyler, homeschool resource and media consultant for Broadman & Holman Publishers and homeschool editor for’s Web network.
The event will offer various workshops addressing the issues concerning homeschool education and also provide time of worship and spiritual renewal for the families.
“Times of daily worship renew the soul,” said Tyler, who has been homeschooling mom for more than 20 years. “The free time and planned recreational activities provide lots of opportunities for fun and family bonding. The Homeschool Family Adventure provides a wonderful forum for homeschool families to fellowship together.”
The workshops will feature guest speaker Jeff Myers, author of “The Secret of Great Communicators.”
“Jeff has been a significant voice for many years in teaching students and adults the importance of developing a biblical worldview,” Tyler said. “His series, ‘The Secret of Great Communicators,’ teaches adults and students how to communicate effectively. Jeff is a captivating speaker--adults and teens alike will be inspired and equipped by Jeff to pursue their God-given missions in life.”
Tyler further explained of the impact of the homeschooling movements, which have been experiencing significant growth over the past 10 years. In response to such growth, Homeschool Family Adventure was organized with the goal of helping educate and energize families who are interested in homeschooling.
“The homeschooling movement has experienced significant growth during the past 10 years,” Tyler said. “I’ve seen many people view homeschooling simply as a market--another way to make money. However, LifeWay continues to demonstrate a genuine commitment to support and encourage homeschooling families through its conferences, publications, personnel and Web network.”
Hal Hill, national events planner for LifeWay Conference Centers, emphasized that the Homeschool Family Adventure is not only a time for homeschool education and continuous activity, but also a personal sanctuary for renewal in a setting that is “God-ordained and blessed,” Hill said of the conference centers. “It’s a place of retreat. We feel like we are the perfect place for homeschoolers to come and be their home away from home.”
Tyler also made a similar comment: “Being in such a beautiful setting with the time to enjoy God’s creation renews the soul and energizes families as they kick off a new school year.”
Tyler added that participating homeschool families would be able to form a new network, which would help them to support one another in the times of struggle.
More information can be found by typing the keyword “Homeschool Family Adventure” at their website ( )