Hong Kong Christian Churches Prays Sorrowfully for Japan

Christian churches in Hong Kong held a joint prayer meeting for the Japan earthquake, tsunami, and nuclear disaster that has unfolded since March 11.

Crowds consisting of church pastors, ministry co-workers, and believers in Hong Kong filled the sanctuary, where many had to watch live broadcasts from separate chapels and classrooms. While they were filled with sorrow, they together sang hymns and prayed, proclaiming that God is still in control and praying for the entire Japan, disaster relief efforts, victims, and Christians in Japan.

Disaster Lets God’s People Witness God

Rev. Daniel Ng, as the main speaker, quoted Luke 18:7, “And will not God bring about justice for his chosen ones, who cry out to him day and night? Will he keep putting them off?” and Matthew 24:14, “And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” He said that God will decrease the days of disaster and the degree of damages from disasters for his chosen ones, allowing them to testify of God, revealing God’s unfailing love in times of trials.

Rev. Lee Chee Kong, advisor to HKCCCU board of directors, mentioned the 50 men of sacrifice at Fukushima. He said that on the work of the gospel Jesus Christ was the first men of sacrifice, who died for us on the cross, and he call upon the believers today to become men of sacrifice for the sake of the gospel.

Staffs from mission agencies One Circle Limited and OMF International reported of their Japan missionaries’ situations. A missionary of One Circle successfully gave birth to a child during the disaster time, and are still in Japan but both the mother and the child are safe. OMF has setup a response group to ascertain the safety of the missionaries immediately after the earthquake happened. Luckily, all of the 100 OMF missionaries and short-term workers are reported safe. After the radioactive leakage from the nuclear power plants, the OMF director has decided to let the missionaries stay in Japan, but those with kids temporarily left the disaster zone. The missionaries who stayed behind will endure through the difficult times with the Japanese and assist in the work of spiritual reconstruction.

Praying to God for Japan

Jireh Foundation executive director Mrs. Fan Chan led the participants to pray to God on behalf of Japan, asking God to remove the hate relationship between China and Japan, to resolve the nuclear crisis, to prevent the outbreak of diseases, to provide for the needs of disaster zone and the missionaries and local churches that are staying behind in the disaster area. Furthermore, she prayed for peace for the world.

This prayer meeting is hosted by HKCCCU, Jireh Foundation, and Hong Kong Campus Crusade for Christ, and co-hosted by Kong Fuk Church E.F.C.C., One Circle Limited, Hong Kong Association of Christian Missions, OMF International, and Media Evangelism Hong Kong.

[Editor's note: reporter Luke Leung translated the report.]