Hong Kong Largest Ecumenical Conference Underway, 100,000 Expected to Attend

Started since Monday, the largest ecumenical conference in Hong Kong is currently underway until August 10th. Over 28 denominations are gathering at the conference with speakers arranged in three periods daily except Sunday. Over 100,000 people are gathering at the event.

The Hong Kong Bible Conference was established since 1928. Over the years, the conference stood as the symbol of ecumenical ties in the churches of Hong Kong. Now entering its 77th annual session, the conference committee is also introducing Mandarin-Cantonese interpreters to serve its Mandarin speakers.

The speakers at the conference include Trinity Theological Seminary New Testament assistant professor Dr. Bao Wei Jun, China Evangelical Seminary Extension Director Dr. Wu Xian Zhang, and EVA International General Manager Rev. Ru Jia Mu.

For the most recent day-to-day updates on the event, check www.gospelpost.com.hk (Tradition and Simplified Chinese versions only)