Hong Kong Welcomes New Anglican Archbishop

HONG KONG - The new Archbishop of Hong Kong was installed on Wednesday, in a ceremony that was was widely publicized by local media at the historic St. John’s Cathedral.

Rev. Paul Kwong is the second archbishop to serve under the Hong Kong island diochese, which became independent after the Hong Kong-Macau diocese divided into two bodies in 1998.

Catholic Bishop of Hong Kong, Cardinal Joseph Zen, was present amongst other top religious leaders including those from Hong Kong and China's state-owned Church. Several top-

level Hong Kong politicians were also in attendance.

"Though I am worried about other’s expectation, I rely on the wisdom of the Lord," Kwong stated, adding that he was grateful for the warm hospitality shown by leaders of other faiths.

The 56-year-old archbishop added that though he does not engage in politics, he hopes that believers will openly express their viewpoints on social issues that affects the public - as a means to serve.

"I am not aiming to be a great bishop, but I would like to become a faithful servant," he said.

Kwong, who was was elected to his position on Feb. 3, said that under his leadership the church will continue do its best to address Hong Kong's social current problems including those involving domestic violence and the gap between the rich and poor.

He is now a candidate for the Ph.D at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, with a thesis focusing on the theological development of Hong Kong churches after Hong Kong's handover to China in 1997.