Players of the "Pokemon Sun and Moon" discovered a "Swap Breeding Method" of Shiny Pokemons that is said to be more manageable and requires less time in acquiring their desired Shiny Pokemon.
The game allows the hunting of Shiny Pokemon easier than the previous generations because of the accessible nature of SOS Chaining and the Shiny Charm. But the recently discovered Shiny breeding method gives players a lot of chances to acquire these Pokemons which are very hard to find and catch.
The glitch in the system allows the player to breed and produce Shiny Pokemons more easily by the use of the "Masuda Method." According to iDigital Times, the player needs to reset the game and swap the Pokemon with the number of eggs needed to hatch the Shiny. Apparently, the game tells the player how many eggs are needed until they could get a Shiny Pokemon.
The method fastens the process of obtaining a Shiny Pokemon. The player needs to have a Ditto from a foreign country, a Destiny Knot, a Magikarp, and an Everstone. The Magikarp needs to hold the Everstone. The Magikarp is used as a sample Pokemon in the instructions because it is the fastest breeding Pokemon. The Pokemon users want to breed a Shiny for should hold the Everstone. Ditto should be equipped with the Destiny Knot. Both Pokemons should be placed inside the nursery until the player gets 30 eggs, according to iTechPost.
The player needs to hatch the 30 eggs. If those eggs do not contain a Shiny, repeat the steps from the beginning up to the nursery and obtain another 30 eggs. The player should take note of the number of the egg that hatched which contained the Shiny. After obtaining the Shiny, reset the game without saving. The users can now swap the Magikarp with the Pokemon they wanted to get a Shiny from. By repeating the steps applied from the Magikarp, players can get their desired Shiny Pokemon, according to Counsel Heal.
The technique will be broken if the players unequipped Ditto from the Destiny Knot. Swapping Magikarp with Genderless and Fixed-gender Pokemon, like Rufflet, Miltank, and Tauros, will render the method useless.
The repeating method could be strenuous for some players but it can produce satisfying results than relying on finding and catching the rare Shiny Pokemons.