As a journey of harmony and reconciliation, hundreds of young Australians are to be sent off capital cities and take part in a Pilgrimage to Uluru. Many communities from all over Australia are joined together to help them to raise the funds.
It has been a great response by many participates this year. Melinda 16 year old, "It's put my life into perspective, I know what and who is most important and how to respect indigenous people and most of all, I have learnt some of my own Aussie history too." Todd a 17 years old, "I now have more respect for the land." Tammy a 15 year old, "After going on this trip, it’s made me more myself because of the atmosphere. I've learnt a lot about myself in doing the daily reflections. I've also learnt a lot about Aboriginals and Their boundaries and I deeply respect them for forgiving us."
This journey is held for ten days that Indigenous and young people from various ethnic backgrounds will live together with young Anglo Australians. The focuses are to experience the Easter message as the meaning of the words (“Hope, Love, Peace and Reconciliation) and teaching of Indigenous elders.
This young people gathering and living together will result richer understanding of Easter and cultural of Indigenous in Australia. It sent a strong and implicit message that young people of Australia are as investment in our future. They will learn the ethnic and racial background as well as learn what it means to be Australians. Harmony and reconciliation will be the core of this Easter journey for many youngsters.