Hundreds Respond to Gospel Ads in Romania

Romania – AMG International, the evangelical mission and relief agency active in over 55 nations, reported that more than seven hundred individuals came to Christ through the AMG ads placed in local newspapers.

AMG had placed Gospel ads in newspapers immediately after the fall of communism in Romania. Through this process, those who write are encouraged to become involved in Bible correspondence courses. As they study they respond to the gospel and eventually join a local church.

Active correspondents include prisoners. In fact, AMG reports that the number of prisoners who took the correspondence courses increased from 6 to 110 in one year.

"Your studies are of real help to me, and I have decided to become God's child," wrote Viorel, a prisoner.

Another prisoner wrote, "I want to thank you for helping me to know more about Jesus Christ. I want to surrender my life, my heart, my all to Him."

Pray that the ministry gains the strength and funding needed to grow.