Hunger for Bible ''Growing'' in China

The church is growing in China and with it the demand for Bibles, visitors to this year's international Christian Resources Exhibition heard yesterday. The head of Bible Society's China Partnership programme, Kua Wee Seng, said that Amity Printing Press, the only government-approved Bible printer in China, was struggling to keep up with demand. Although the number of Bibles being printed for distribution in China rose to four million last year, Kua said even more Bibles were needed to meet the needs of the estimated 500,000 people turning to Christ in the communist nation each year. He urged Christians in the West to support Bible Society's 2010 campaign to raise funds for a new printing press to increase the number of Bibles being printed for the Chinese market to 12 million. Kua said that financial and practical help from Christians outside of China had made Bible printing there possible, most notably through the shipment of tonnes of Bible paper. Now that China is producing its own Bible pap

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