'I'm Really Sorry' says Jackson

After the Super Bowl halftime incident involving Janet Jackson’s public display after Justin Timberlake tore off a piece of her costume, Jackson, Timberlake and television stations have all issued apologies saying the stunt was an accident. Jackson already issued an apology on Monday in a written statement and also apologized in a videotape released to the media on Feb. 3.

"I am really sorry if I offended anyone. That was truly not my intention," she said. "MTV, CBS, the NFL had no knowledge of this whatsoever, and unfortunately, the whole thing went wrong in the end."

It was not Jackson’s intention that a breast clad be revealed during the stunt at the end of her performance with Timberlake but that doesn’t mean there was no stunt planned. According to Jennifer Holiner, Jackson’s spokeswoman, a red lace garment was supposed to stay intact after Timberlake tore off the outer black covering.

When the ‘wardrode malfunction’ occurred, cameras quickly diverted the shot off Jackson and Timberlake. To prevent such an incident from occurring again, CBS announced Tuesday it will use a video delay system at the Grammy awards where Timberlake will perform and Jackson is expected to present an award.

"Unfortunately, we cannot count on those who appear on our air to live up to our standards," said Martin Franks, CBS executive vice president.

Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is currently investigating the incident. FCC chairman Michael Powell and all commissioners have expressed concern for the halftime incident. If the investigation shows that CBS had violated decency laws on the airwaves, a fine of $27,500 will be issued, totaling up to millions if applied to each CBS station.