IMB Jone White Resigned with Obedience to God

Jone White, an executive vice president of the International Mission Board in Southern Baptist Church, has resigned on 30 June, after nearly 20 years of working for missions, BPnews reported on 30.

White told IMB members in the recent chapel, that he decided to obey God and leave the IMB without knowing exactly what God has planned for his future.

"On a recent trip in April, I was really struggling and I said 'God if I missed what you were really saying to me, would you please tell me again, because I really want to know what you are trying to say to me," said White.

Then he got a clear response to that prayer, to leave the IMB. "But He didn't tell me what is going to be happening next. There were no plan but that was what He asked me to do," White said.

White mentioned a book called "If You Want to Walk on Water, You've Got to Get Out of the Boat" by John Ortburg. He said "The first chapter "Learning to Wait" really caught my eyes and my heart."

"One of the quotes was about trusting God. It told me what position I am in."

The quote is: 'Let's say you decide to get out of the boat. You trust God. You take a step of faith. You courageously choose to leave a comfortable job, to devote yourself to God's calling. You will use a gift you believe God has given you, even though you are scared to death. You decide to trust God and get out of the boat. What happens next?'

"So I'm waiting for God to lead me. I know that God doesn't always work at our frantic pace. He works on His time schedule."

The president of IMB, Jerry Rankin said he is the person who really obey God even though there's nothing that is understandable.

"He and his wife have been always faithful to God. We don't always understand why and how God leads at times, but I know we should always obey Him," Rankin said.

"It will be very difficult for IMB to have an emptiness in his place."

"He has a master in business administration, law, seminary studies and missionary service. He has used all these skills to lead IMB and work for God's will."

Jone White is a graduate of Samford University. He worked as a regional field advisor and assistant to the president of Chick-Fil-A food corporationin Atlanta. In 1983 he and his wife were appointed as missionaries to Brazil. He also worked as a treasurer of Southern Baptist missionaries when he was in Brazil. He became the IMB's executive vice president in 1996.

Clyde Meador, associate vice president of general administration in the IMB's office of Overseas Operations has been asked to assume the responsibilities of White's until a replacement for White is decided.