More than 100 International Mission Board missionaries wrote letters of gratitude to the Southern Baptist Convention for financial and spiritual support.
"It is customary to send a 'thank you' note to acknowledge receipt of a gift. But sometimes a gift is so generous that words do not seem sufficient to express appropriate gratitude," say Cal and Patty McIntire, career missionaries to the Lebou people of West Africa.
The offerings, which normally come in the form of the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering and the Cooperative Program, provide room and board for full time missionaries who work to bring the Gospel to those in need. Every penny of the offerings endows missionaries with housing, transportation, salary and children’s education. The missionaries, however, are most thankful for the chance to witness the Good News to the unreached.
"What words can express the joy of praying for the first time with a new believer, or the honor of helping that new believer grow in his or her love for the Lord?" The McIntires asked. "How could I ever thank you for allowing me to obey God's call on my life?"
Mark and Barbara Stevens, career missionaries in the Philippines agreed. In their thank you letter, they wrote about the progress in their ministry on the island of Mindanao.
"As you have prayed and supported our work here, we have seen God work and four of these tribal people groups are now engaged for the Gospel and have churches!" the Stevenses recounted. "Thank you, dear Southern Baptists, for giving to the Lottie Moon Christmas Offering."
The missionary thank you letters are posted at