Information Technologies - Searching for Truth and True Freedom

Geneva World Summit on the Information Society

From dec.10-12th was held in Geneva the World Summit on the Information Society, under the patronage of the U.N. secretary-general and organized by the International Telecommunications Union.

The principles for information and communications technologies were articulated by Archbishop John Foley, president of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications."My delegation is particularly interested in the role of media and ICTs in the preservation and construction of peace", said. "In these days, we cannot build a lasting peace without the cooperation of media networks," he continued. "They can serve the culture of dialogue, participation, solidarity and reconciliation without which peace cannot flourish."

"Instead of featuring violence, immorality and superficiality," the media "could foster a more open and respectful use of ICTs to build better reciprocal knowledge and respect and to foster reconciliation and a more fruitful relationship among peoples of different cultures, ideologies and religions," noted during the meeting.

"Technology is a means," the U.S. prelate continued. "We are responsible for using it so that, in this communication age, the search for truth and true freedom might be advanced among all peoples."

In this connection, Archbishop Foley proclaimed that there are: "three basic moral foundations of communication: the overriding importance of truth, the dignity of the human person, and the promotion of the common good."

"These principles explain the need for a commitment to make the new technologies accessible to all persons and societies", added Archbishop Foley.