International Mission Board Calls Volunteers to Minister at Summer Olympics

USA - In preparation for the 2004 Summer Olympics in Athens, the Southern Baptist International Mission Board is calling for many volunteers to help with ministries at the site of the upcoming global games. Volunteers will begin work as soon as early Spring.

There will be two teams that will be working in Athens, Greece. One team will establish a "Welcome Center" in March, which will serves as an information post for the many visitors that will come from all around the world to spectate the Olympic Games. The March volunteers will also set up boarding for incoming volunteers. The second team will continue preparing the Welcome Center and will also set up a church for volunteers to work in August.

Once the Olympics begin, the Welcome Center will provide information, refreshments and will be a resting stop for visitors. Volunteers will be able to share testimonies and provide spiritual resources for the passerbys. Some other ministry projects that the International Mission Board will be working on are sports evangelism, clean-up, and creative arts.

If you are interested in volunteering, contact Anita Mahoney in the Volunteer in Missions Department at (804) 219-1501 or e-mail her at