International Mission Report: Nigeria, Peru, China and Ecuador

NIGERIA --Rioting in Nigeria's Plateau State last week has claimed the life of a prominent pastor and two members of his family. Gary Lane of the Voice of the Martyrs, believe Muslim mobs target Christians in an unchanging pattern.

"Radical Muslims in Nigeria want to impose Sharia law, not only on the 12 states of Nigeria that have already enacted it, but they want to impose it on the other states, and these are Christian areas. The one state that they are particularly targeting at this time is Plateau state," says Lane.

"Church buildings are being destroyed, and Christians and their pastors, the Christian leaders are being gunned down, and targeted and killed, but that isn't stopping the growth of the church. The church in Nigeria is growing more than ever. But, we're losing some good people; we're losing some strong leaders-those who are standing up to the imposition of Sharia law," said Lane, urging others to pray for the leaders in Nigeria.

PERU - The Seed Company, a member of the Wycliffe family, dedicated to empowering nationals to translate Scripture, launches a project that will bring the Old Testament to nine different Quechua languages to reach the Quechua Indians of Peru, within seven years. The Seed Company's Parke Brown believes that the local church was thrust the project into action.

"They've really seen the need themselves for the Old Testament, and so the fact that the nationals themselves are calling for the Old Testament and are desiring to put the time and effort into making it happen, is a really neat part of the ownership that comes with these translations."

Brown says this project is a tangible picture of the nationals' desire to bring God's Word to their people.

"Be praying as we start all the logistics of this in motion, basically, what we're trying to do is take on Old Testament that's almost all completed, and transfer that, using a computer, into the remaining eight languages," said Brown.

CHINA- the Bible School built with the help of the Christian Aid Missions seven years ago have trained 30 or more thousands of Christians for leadership. The Bible schools, according to leaders have had tremendous and amazing effects in the communities, though the groups face many hardships. Prayers overseas for the spread of the Gospel throughout China are encouraged.

ECUADOR - More than 3,100 impoverished Ecuadorians received spiritual and physical nourishment at a Christmas party early December. All attendants to the party received toys, goods, foods, and a flyer with the plan of salvation. Extreme Response International, which led the event, works with local leaders to provide medical attention, counseling, basic hygiene and clothing.

By Paulina C.