Internet as New Tool for Introducing Christ

BUDAPEST, HUNGARY – Internet ministry is growing in power as more people are receiving salvation through internet. Internet is being used effectively as one of the mission strategies for Hungary.

According to ASSIST News Service, recently through Liverprayer.Com an America based internet ministry has found over 40,000 people around the world as it completes its 52nd month of ministry.

At least 1.8 million people receive Keller's daily prayer devotionals and many people visit the interactive Liveprayer.Com website for prayer and counseling.

"I am most grateful for over 10,000 people that we know of who accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior in 2003, bringing the total to over 40,000 since we started Liveprayer," about four years ago, said preacher Bill Keller.

In addition Keller said he is "grateful that we now have over 1,000,000 praise reports in our praise archives. These are from people who came to us for prayer and God moved in a wonderful way in their lives and situations,"

Keller started his ministry after serving two and a half years at Federal Prison for insider trading. After he was released from the prison in Aug. 1992 he gained back his faith and returned to Christ as the prodigal son. Upon his release he straight went into full time ministry.

"Shortly after going into prison, Bill rededicated his life to the Lord, received an undergraduate degree in biblical studies from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, and was discipled by two precious charismatic couples," Liveprayer.Com said.

Besides Keller's preaching ministry, in 1995 the BK Media division was formed to produce and syndicate television programming for Christian television stations nationwide. In August of 1999, the ministry's internet site Liveprayer.Com was launched.

Keller is focusing on urging Christians not to believe in holidays such as Halloween as he promotes “Witnessing for Jesus Day” which encourages Christians to share the Gospel with at least three people during the day.

"If every Christian worldwide shared their faith in Christ with three people, it would literally turn the world upside down over night. The world will be "witnessing" their rebellion of God with their Halloween parties, their costumes, and satanic services."

He stressed that Liveprayer.Com and its supporters "will have churches in every community putting on "Hell House" or "Judgment House" productions as an alternative to the haunted house productions of the world."

Keller said he would also give children who come for trick-or-treating a Gospel Tract instead of candy. "No child should come to your home and leave without knowing that Jesus is Lord," Keller said.