The Global Trek program of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship has received such a tremendous response from students that the list for all the nine Trek cities is now full.
Students who been accepted to participate in Trek will receive information on how to fundraise their $3,100 mission trip. They will also be required to read text from a list provided by the directors of their city team. On June 18, teams that will leave Bangkok, Buenos Aires, Manila, and Mexico City cities will meet in LA for a week-long orientation, returning from the trip on August 6. For teams heading to Addis Ababa, Cairo, Calcutta, and Dhaka, orientation will be begin June 23 and return from their mission destination on August 11.
Scott Bessenecker, Global Urban Trek Director, explained the mission of the ministry on the website. He wrote, “The Trek is essentially about opening up an opportunity for God to call some of us to go and spend our lives among the poor as his couriers of hope. The summer we may simply be able to offer a cup of cold water to those in need. We may also have the privilege of solidarity with the poor. But most importantly, we can lean into Christ as he speaks to us on how he wants us to spend the remainder of our lives.”
Last year, Global Trek students also visited the same cities this year excluding Buenos Aires and Dhaka.
A complete list of cities for Global Trek 2004 is listed below:
· Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
· Bangkok, Thailand
· Buenos Aires, Argentina
· Cairo, Egypt (Mokattam)
· Cairo, Egypt (Sudanese)
· Calcutta, India
· Dhaka, Bangladesh
· Manila, Philippines
· Mexico City, Mexico