Regarding the Yazidi people, Islamic State jihadists want to wipe "them off the face of the Earth," said lawyer and humanitarian Jacqueline Isaac to U.S. Congressional Affairs Sub-Committee members on Thursday (Sept. 8). She also highlighted that the militants tell Yazidi girls it's pointless to not convert to Islam, because if they refuse, they will become Muslim anyway once they rape them. She is trying to help advance H.R. 4017, a momentous bill that addresses the need to recognize the genocide she said is taking place in the Middle East.
The bill also opposes the destruction of vulnerable Middle Eastern communities by calling for the expedition of asylum status for at-risk minorities.
"It is a philosophy to destroy them and to torture them [Yazidis]," said Isaac in testimony before the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and represents testimony that CNS News staffers state was not widely covered by news outlets.
Isaac said she met with some girls in Sinjar in Iraq, who told her that after ISIL men captured them, they first gave them an option by asking: "'Will you become a Muslim? Will you convert to Islam? Many of them said 'no.'"
"And they told them, 'You are going to be Muslim regardless because we are going to sleep with you,'" said Isaac.
"'And the moment we do that, once we rape you, you will be Muslim.'"
Isaac, vice president of the humanitarian group Roads of Success, traveled to Iraq and Syria to meet with many with victims of the Islamic State, particularly Yazidi women and girls who had been sold into sex-slavery by the Islamists and who later managed to escape.
At the hearing, Chariman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) asked Isaac, "How extensively has ISIS been involved in what we here call sex trafficking, or slavery frankly, particularly the kidnapping and sale of women and girls from these overrun communities? Has it been an outcome of lawlessness or is it part of a more deliberate ISIS policy to destroy and to subjugate those who do not share their fanaticism?"
Isaac's answer was: "Looking at the ISIS philosophy, they believe the Yazidi people in particular are not only to be tortured but they are to be destroyed in every single way possible."
"Today, it starts with the Yazidis," Isaac declared. "Tomorrow, it's going to be not only the Christians but every woman that doesn't fit into their philosophy. We need to stop the menace that's going on there. We need to stop it at its route. This is the nerve center. Right now, all the crazies from all over the world are coming to this center point, to this nerve center. If we can cut the snake at its head, we can defuse them."
"Their sex trafficking is systematic and it will continue," she said.
Yazidis are monotheists, believing in one God, who created the world and entrusted it into the care of a Heptad of seven Holy Beings, often known as angels or heft sirr (the Seven Mysteries).