A high-ranking leader of the Islamic State planned to kill a Christian who was part of a television ministry but surprisingly ended up surrendering his life to Jesus Christ.
Muhammad (not his real name) got connected with a worker of the Christian ministry Leading the Way, which reaches the unsaved through 24/7 radio and television broadcasts of Dr. Michael Youssef's Biblical teaching in multiple languages.
Leading the Way has on-the-ground follow-up teams who are trained to evangelize and disciple those who would respond to the messages.
Muhammad called the number on the screen under the pretense that he was seeking the truth, but he secretly planned to kill the person who would answer him on the phone.
That person turned out to be Peter (not his real name). Muhammad told Peter he needed to meet with him in person. Although members of the follow-up team are trained for security purposes to screen callers who ask to meet face to face, Peter felt God nudging him to go ahead and see Muhammad.
He also sensed God's leading to share the gospel boldly to Muhammad.
When the two met, Peter shared with the ISIS leader the truth about the love of God through Jesus Christ and his offer of salvation to those who believe.
Muhammad was touched by the gospel message, and even after he and Peter parted ways, God continued to speak into his heart. According to the ministry, God showed himself to Muhammad in a dream.
The extremist leader got convicted of his sins and made a decision to follow Jesus. He shaved his beard to symbolize his turning away from Islam.
He then called Peter and asked to meet with him again, this time not to kill him but to confess what he planned to do the first time they met. He asked forgiveness from God and from Peter.
"This former ISIS leader is now your brother in Christ," Youssef said. "His conversion happened just weeks ago, and by God's mercy and grace, he has been baptized and is already serving Christ where he lives."
Muhammad is only one of the many Muslims who have been reached by Leading the Way. The ministry, through Arabic-English radio broadcasts, has reached many Muslims with the gospel.
Aside from proclaiming the love of God through Christ and having discipleship teams to reach out to those who respond to the gospel message, the ministry also helps thousands of persecuted Christians through its Help the Persecuted program.
A former Muslim who has received help through Leading the Way shared his testimony on how the ministry helped him get through a difficult time when his mother, who found out about his conversion, tried to kill him with a knife.
The ministry has helped Muslims like Muhammad move "from darkness to light, from hatred to love--from death to life in Jesus Christ."
"The Gospel of Jesus Christ 'is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes' (Romans 1:16)," Youssef said.