Nurses Christian Fellowship is holding an international conference with the theme “Challenged to Care” in Seoul, South Korea, July4- 9 2004.
The purpose of Nurses Christian Fellowship as a ministry of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is “to establish and advance in nursing, within education and practice, witnessing communities of nursing students and nurses who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord: growing in love -- for God, God's Word, God's people of every ethnicity and culture and God's purposes in the world.” NCF is devoted to make Christ known through nursing.
The conference has four objectives -- to explore the biblical basis of caring; to build and strengthen Christian values as a foundation for knowledge and practice in nursing; to explore and challenge the context of Christian nursing practice - focusing on social and political globalization, paradigm shift in nursing, and unity and diversity in world views; and to integrate leadership, scholarship and servanthood through out the program.
The four-day conference will cover one different topic each day - Monday, July 5: Care for the Caregiver; Thursday, July 8: Paradigm Shift in Nursing; Wednesday , July 6: Social and Political Impact; and Friday, July 9: Celebrating Diversity
NCF has presented the overview of the program using a diagram. All the topics that will be discussed each day will be addressed through plenary sessions, as well as seminars and papers. NCF says that in the context of current global issues in nursing and health care, they will examine God's perspective of caring and apply this to the four focus areas.
The program will be full of worship, providing the opportunity for the nurses of faith to form intimate relationship and encourage one another about what they do – bringing global influence through nursing ministry.
NCF says the "God of compassion and comfort" (II Corinthians 1:3) cares about them as nurses, and will empower them to care or others in the challenges and opportunities we face in our world today.
For more information about the conference, go to: