Quinlivan Hannah, girlfriend of Asia’s king of pop Jay Chou, said that she was deeply inspired by a sculpture depicting Jesus’ mother Mary embracing her son Jesus who was hung on the cross.
Quinlivan visited the “The Divine Michelangelo” exhibition that had opened at Taipei History Museum on January 25th. The artworks on display were highly-skilled reproductions of Michelangelo’s masterpieces executed by the Niccolai-Teknoart studio in Florence, according to Taipei’s Foreign Ministry department.
Raised Christian, Japanese-Taiwanese Quinivan has been an active member of New Life Small Group Church in Taipei. Her pastor Abraham Kun has posted on the church’s Facebook page praises of her devotion to the church and outspokenness for the gospel in the entertainment industry. Her boyfriend’s recent baptism was a result of her life testimony.
The famed Taiwan model visited the exhibition, hoping to increase her knowledge and her artistic sense. She said that the sculptures were all artistic masterpieces.
Among all the exhibited sculptures, the one that stood out to her the most and left a deep impression in her was the sculpture where Jesus’ mother Mary embraced Jesus as he was hung on the cross.
Quinlivan said that she can deeply sense the power produced through the combining of art and faith.