It can get rather challenging when you are a celebrity, and everyone would like to peek into your life -- whatever you eat, wear, drive, and do, would come under public scrutiny. It comes with the territory I guess, which is all the more important as to why we should always make sure that our lives are straight as an arrow whenever possible. I do not mean that we are exempt from mistakes, but whatever wrong decisions we have made in the past should serve as a good lesson to move forward without being stuck in the quagmire.
As for Jinger Duggar’s announcement that she and Jeremy Vuolo are engaged, the whole Duggar family is pleased as punch. While that is cause for celebration, it looks like those who follow “Counting On” on TLC, which is a spinoff of the “19 Kids and Counting” series, are not too pleased with the level of perceived hypocrisy on display. What do we mean by that?
Apparently, the Duggar family has their fair share of courtship rules -- and that would include not having any kind of physical touch apart from holding hands and share a side hug at the very most. Anything that ventures beyond those boundaries would be deemed to have broken the “courtship rules”. It does not look to be the case with Jeremy Vuolo and Jinger Duggar however, as both of them have more or less openly defied the “courtship rules" that have been laid down, sharing their obvious affection for one another openly. Do you think that there is a level of hypocrisy that goes on here, or is it simply a case of raging hormones in younger people who are unable to keep their hands off from each other?
Still, a wedding will be held, and Jinger Duggar's parents are not too pleased with the engaged couple’s physical affection that is televised to millions of viewers each week. Surely adult supervision would be limited especially when you take into consideration that Vuolo himself is fast approaching the 30 year old mark, while Jinger Duggar is 8 years younger than him.
One thing is for sure though -- their upcoming nuptials will most probably be shown all over the world, at least to those who are interested and would want to continue seeing whether the next generation of Duggars will be able to have more children than the patriarch of the family. All the best to Vuolo and Duggar in their upcoming preparations for the big day. Here’s hoping that there will be no incidences of a bridezilla stomping around as the big day approaches!