Jessa Duggar Criticized after Comparing Abortion to Holocaust, Expressing Pro-Life Views

Jessa Duggar
Jessa Duggar, 21, stars in the hit TLC show ''19 Kids and Counting'' (Instagram)

"19 Kids and Counting" star Jessa Duggar recently caused a commotion after posting a statement on social media comparing Holocaust with abortion and voicing her pro-life values following a visit to the Holocaust Museum in Washington, D.C.

"I walked through the Holocaust Museum again today... very sobering. Millions of innocents denied the most basic and fundamental of all rights-their right to life," Duggar wrote on Instagram. "One human destroying the life of another deemed 'less than human.' Racism, stemming from the evolutionary idea that man came from something less than human; that some people groups are 'more evolved' and others 'less evolved.' A denying that our Creator-God-made us human from the beginning, all of ONE BLOOD and ONE RACE, descendants of Adam."

"The belief that some human beings are 'not fit to live,'" the 21 year old wrote. "So they're murdered. Slaughtered. Kids with Down syndrome or other disabilities. The sickly. The elderly. The sanctity of human life varies not in sickness or health, poverty or wealth, elderly or pre-born, little or lots of melanin [making you darker or lighter skinned], or any other factor."

Duggar patriarchs Jim Bob and Michelle hold to strong conservative Christian values  reflect these beliefs in the way they raise their children. 

"May we never sit idly by and allow such an atrocity to happen again," Jessa concluded. "Not this generation. We must be a voice for those who cannot speak up for themselves. Because EVERY LIFE IS PRECIOUS. #ProLife," she concluded.

Jessa's comments were not taken well by some of her 445k followers, who called her words "hurtful" and "offensive" and argued that she should not have linked the Holocaust to abortion in order to make a point.

"I see what you're getting at, but it was rather insensitive to compare the holocaust to abortion," commented one user named dslind141. "Maybe think more carefully about your words before posting on them on the internet."

"As the granddaughter of Holocaust Survivors and a practicing Christian I am offended by your comments," added kebula99.

Other commenters applauded Jessa, saying they admired her courage to stand up for truth and willingness to defend life.

"Thanks for the clear thinking and excellent post," wrote a commenter named djlund2982. "Someday people will see our current abortion practice as backward as the lebensunwertes Leben laws" (Nazi laws which designated which individuals were unfit to live).

"Thank you for placing value on life, whether it is the life of a fetus or a holocaust victim," added stephanierose. "It is encouraging to see truth spoken so well from our country's future leaders."