The Joyful Noise Xpress is in the process of producing a new Mandarin album of Chinese Christian music artist Anthony Chan. The album "Wait..." has had its Cantonese ablum released in 2003 and will be featured in Mandarin under the same title.
Anthony Chan, the artist featured in the album, explained that the melody was taken from the Cantonese album. However, the lyrics for the Mandarin version is totally new and original, he said. The album is expected to be finished by March of 2005. Anthony is also the founder and executive director of the JNX music ministry.
This album is the fruit of a cooperation between JNX and famed Hong Kong Christian music artist Peter Kam. All the works such as lyrics writing and music recording had been finished in 2004. Now JNX is busy finishing the finishing touches.
In the readers guide from the Cantonese album, Anthony Chan shared about the process of its making.
"...there was a growing sense of urgency to share my testimony with other people," he shared. "After much prayer, in January 2003, we finally made the decision to make the 'Wait...' CD project....Collaborating with Peter Kam was a wonderful experience. The experience stood out as a unique and amazing chapter in my thirty years of music ministry that was beyond description. Through the discussions about songwriting methods and the process of putting the music together, we relished a deep sense of "being one in spirit."
JNX expressed hopes that through their works in producing music of different dialets, the message of the Gospel can be proclaimed to all Chinese from every corner of the world.