JnX Trains Worship Leaders in Fujian & Shanghai

NEW YORK- A California-based worship ministry has just concluded a short-term mission trip toChina, nurturing leaders in the Chinese-city of Shanghai and Fujian Province.

JnX Music Ministry,in July, sent a three-person team including JnX Director Anthony Chan alongside worship team members Bobby Medcalf and Marcas. The trio visited Shanghai city and Fujian Province for two weeks.

The group used a systematic and professional music worship training program to train new worship leaders in Chinese churches.

Many local Chinese Christians welcomed the program, with some describing the program as "very deep" and "practical". Nonetheless, the JnX team were themselves impressed by the Chinese Christians’ passion to learn.

"Even though the condition in short-term mission is not easy, the passion of the brothers and sisters in serving the Lord has impressed us so much that actually gave us strength to carry on our commission," Anthony shared.

JnX has been to China many times. However, each visit brings a fresh and new experience for JnX, according to Anthony.

The singer and songwriter added that though conditions in different location may vary, one thing that does not change is that there are so many brothers and sister who are serving the Lord sincerely with great love in every corner of China.

"We are very inspired by the good work of the Lord in China," Anthony said.

Concerning his plan for China, Anthony expressed wishes that his ministry would be greatly blessed by the Lord with gifts in worship -- so that the ministry can raise many worship leaders in China in order to improve the overall standard of worship in local mainland Chinese churches.

[Editor's note: Claudia Cheng in San Francisco translated the article.]