jnX Traveling to Philippines for Short-Term Mission Trip

“This is what we really want to do. It is not a metropolitan, but it is a place where most people won’t go and it needs services. Their invitation was very sincere.”

On May 2, jnX music ministry will travel to the Philippines for the first time. In the southern part of Philippines, Cagayan De Oro and Cebu City, they will proceed with two weeks of worship and short-term mission trip.

On the Philippine tour, the jnX members consist of members from Taiwan and United States. Speaking of the short-term mission trip in Philippines, Isabella Lee, as one of the directors of jnX, was very passionate. She said repetitiously, “There is really a need (To hold this kind of music ministry workshop).”

The short-term mission trip all started from an email sent from a year ago. A pastor, who lives on an island on the Southern part of Philippines, sent an email to jnX after seeing their website inviting them to come to train their music ministry staff workers. However, the 2004 schedule of jnX had no availabilities to schedule for the visit. Thus, through phone and email contact, Isabella were able to understand more clearly about the conditions of the local ministries and shepherding.

Isabella said, “We will first see if the place really has a need, and then decide whether we will go or not.” Because jnX have always relied upon the brothers and sisters to gather the travel expenses, so through leading worships at church services, sharing visions and calling believers to donate; and there are many ministries that has sent them invitations. “But after communicating with them for over a year, we found that this matches to what we really want to do.”

"They sent us pictures of them going to the local cities and mountain areas to proclaim the gospel. We have seen the pictures that the pastor sent us. The local area is really poor. They were the first mission group visiting this region. The pastor rode a donkey to the village, and used the donkey to pull the wood into mountain areas in order to build a temple for the villagers who have accepted Christ."

“This is what we really want to do. It is not a metropolitan, but it is a place where most people won’t go and it needs services. Their invitation was very sincere.”

As a result, jnX and their co-workers have decided to travel to southern Philippines, where most short-term mission team would not travel to, in order to proceed with short-term mission training. In poverty-stricken Cebu City, the local pastors have told the locals to arrange their work to morning time and night time, because the weather is really hot in the afternoon, and the village does not have any air conditioning. Within two weeks, jnX will hold up to 11 workshops and 3 worship practices teaching the local brothers and sisters.

Teaching instructions include usage of instruments and accompaniment, flow of worship, meaning behind worship and various other details. They will also use hands-on practice to teach them the techniques as taught in the workshops.

“This pastor cannot promise to give us anything, but our feelings are: we are really grateful to God. This time we will bring guitar, and we will give it to the locals after we are done with the short-term mission trip. We will also see what their needs are and decide whether or not we will begin a long-term service there.” Said Isabella.

On the road from De Oro to Manilla, jnX will stay at Cebu City, in order to offer 3 day worship training courses to the second oldest Chinese Church in Philippines.

Isabella said, “Philippinos have much musical talents, but the local pastors have told them that they really need to know how to use musical instruments to praise and worship God, leading others to Christ…..The goal for this time is to equip the local brothers and sisters, allowing them to effectively use praise songs to proclaim the gospel.”

jnX executive director, Anthony Chan also said, “This short-term mission trip will break the molds of the past. Many people thinks that short-term mission is just to pass out several flyers, hold a mission conference. But, we will expand the footsteps of the missions even further than before. Filled with passion and hope, the ministry and church workers in Philippines have overcame many difficulties in going into poor areas to proclaim the gospel. Through methods of collaboration, we have helped them go deeper, renewing their worship and praises, allowing more people to be touched and changed by the Lord. We wish that through guiding them, we can help them find their own church and serve the Lord diligently.”

jnX have also invites all brothers and sisters to pray for their short-term mission trip in Philippines so that God can “provide for all things, protect every members of the team to become humble and serve through the Holy Spirit, prepare the people’s hearts and change their lives.”