Jonathan McKee to Speak at AYM Rally

Jonathan McKee, president of The Source for Youth Ministry, will share his faith to the youth as a featured speaker at the second annual Winter Youth Rally, sponsored by Area Youth Ministry, a non-denominational, non-profit organization that gives all churches the opportunity to work together and help youth walk with God amidst a destructive culture. The event will be held on Feb. 26, 7 PM, at the James Valley Christian School gymnasium in Huron, SD.

The demand for McKee was high, but he was worth the effort to book him.

“We had to book him almost a year ago,” said Barb Harrington, AYM director of ministries. “He is a highly energetic speaker that can be likened to a morph of Adam Sandler and Jim Carey.”

McKee, who became known in the late 90s for his youth ministry work on the website:, now operates under the domain: The mission of the Source for Youth Ministry is stated on the main site as “to reach 21st Century youth with the life-changing message of Jesus Christ, develop student and adult youth leaders with effective ministry skills, and provide cutting-edge youth ministry tools and resources.” The father of three not only ministers through training youth workers and speaking to the youth but is a natural comedian.

Harrington said McKee “can make an audience cry with laughter.”

“He has the ability to bring a serious message to teens because he connects with humor and unexpected surprises,” she said.

McKee is also an author. His upcoming book will be Reaching Unchurched Kids, which will be his second book. His first book was entitled, The Top 12 Resources Youth Workers Want.

While in South Dakota, the Californian will visit seven schools under the AYM program. He is scheduled to speak at the following schools: Iroquois, James Valley, Woonsocket, Wolsey, Willow Lake, Sunshine Bible Academy, and Hitchcock. He also will conduct an evening session with 40 Tulare teenagers.

McKee will speak with South Dakota State University students on campus Monday.

The Winter Youth Rally, dubbed “The Main Event”, will also feature Christian rock band, Fireproof, who has opened for CCM artists such as Newsboys, Delirious, and The Swift.

“They are three guys with a real rock and roll sound,” Harrington said. “They are on the cutting edge of what teens like today.”

“The Main Event” is only one of the few ways AYM remains active in helping the youth build a strong relationship with God. The previous rally was a “Barn Bash” held in October at the Marc and Paul Kleinsasser farm north of Huron and attracted about 175 young people. Wayne Northup was the main speaker.

During the past events sponsored by AYM, students from Huron, Iroquois, Wolsey, Wessington, Miller, James Valley Christian, Sioux Falls, Freeman, Rapid City, Cavour, Yale, Doland, Conde, Stickney, Sunshine Bible Academy, South Dakota State University, Carpenter, Tulare, Mitchell Christian, Willow Lake, Bonilla, Hitchcock, Redfield, Worthington, Minn. and Woonsocket have participated.

AYM looks next to a two-fold event, which will consist of the “Acquire the Fire” youth rally and a road trip to the 4-day event, beginning April 1 in Indianapolis, Ind. 117 youth are expected to attend.

The AYM board members are Darrell and Cherrlyn Fast of Iroquois, Barry and Donna Hohm of Huron; Adam and Barb Harrington of Huron; Marvie Tschetter of Yale; and Tom Cartney of Carpenter.

Sara Madison of Iroquois is president of the group and Holli Stahl of Huron is vice president.

“It is our hope that each AYM event will give teens the tools to live right and become men and women of strong faith,” said Harrington.

The program, entitled, “The Main Event,” will begin at 7 p.m. and there will be a $5 admission charge.