Joy-Anna Duggar and Austin Forsyth’s wedding that took place close to the end of last month was the main highlight of the Duggar family, and during this happy moment, there was one particular couple that was conspicuously missing -- Josh and Anna Duggar. Perhaps it is not a good idea if you have not yet fully healed from being sexually molested by your eldest brother while you were younger to be there on your wedding day, as a tumult of emotions are sure to run through your mind and soul. What is the reason for getting hitched five months earlier than the announced October 2017 wedding date? We have absolutely no idea at all, and Josh and Anna Duggar not turning up is also another mystery. Perhaps the Duggars would like to have their share of good news without any negative elements to boost up their ratings, but only they know.
The 23-year old groom with his blushing 19-year-old bride are more than happy to get their married life off to a great start, and it is far easier for Austin to blend in with the rest of the Duggar family since they knew him since he was a little boy. Certainly, having known your in-laws for most of your life is going to make integration into the new extended family easier, but on the other hand, one must be careful not to let familiarity breed contempt. Austin shared, “I think the moment I said, ‘I do,’ I felt a huge relief of burn, a tremendous weight off my shoulders. I’m just looking share my life, its good times and challenges, with my best friend, Someone there to support me and love me and be with me.”
Joy-Anna Duggar got married at their family church in Arkansas, with more than a thousand people in attendance. The list of guests included her sister Jinger who flew out from Texas, as well as Jill who took a break from her missionary work in Central America so that she can play the role of being the matron of honor. So far, Josh and Anna Duggar have been missing from the scene -- perhaps he would like to lay low in the meantime. In fact, this couple has also failed to make an appearance in any of the pictures that were posted up on the Duggar family blog, and sharp-eyed fans of Jill & Jessa: Counting On did raise some questions on his exclusion.
A certain Rebecca Greenlaw also commented, “I can’t imagine that Joy’s new husband would be all that keen on getting well wishes from the older brother who used to molest her. I’m not being hateful, just stating facts. Josh is kept out of the spotlight because they could lose all sponsorship and their show if he reappears. He’s got major personal problems for this family’s once squeaky clean outer appearance.”
Josh has certainly gotten into a tough rut recently, having had a car stolen from the car dealership that he was working at on his watch, not to mention having to reveal all the names of the women whom he has slept with in another pending court case. In terms of marketing, certainly his presence would drag down the ratings of any Duggar endeavors for the fact that such scandals are not going to draw any sponsorships, especially when the Duggar family had to the best of their ability, always tried to depict a dedicated, Christian lifestyle.
Jill and Jessa Duggar are more than pleased with their younger sister's choice of a life partner, and have also given out good sisterly advice in starting off a whole new life together.
On to other Duggar family news -- Joseph is now engaged to Kendra Caldwell after months of courting, and this means that another Duggar wedding will be taking place, although we are not quite sure as to when that is set to happen.