CCM artist Kari Jobe has revealed she wrote the song "Heal Our Land" after God sent her a "prophetic" dream.
"I had this dream on the tour that it was raining inside this church," Jobe told Fox News of the song, which appears on her latest album, "The Garden."
"It was just like a pure water all over the floor of this church - that was just like washing the floor, but it was like pure and clean. It wasn't murky and dirty like you would imagine," she said.
"When I woke up, it just felt prophetic," Jobe said. "It just felt like God was trying to say, as a reminder, that he wants to come back for a pure and spotless bride," she said referring to Jesus' relationship with the church in the New Testament. "It's his heart to come back for us, but we're not there yet."
Jobe, who hosted the 48th Annual Dove Awards earlier this month, wrote the worship song with her friend, singer-songwriter Brooke Ligertwood.
"I told her I want to write something that has to do with the church, the bride of Christ getting back to where we need to be. You know, like, what's going on in the world around us - what could we be praying, what could the church be singing that would really help."
Jobe shared that the song is based on 2 Chronicles 7:14, which reads: "If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
"The rest of the song is really just a prayer for the church to be singing, to have a pure heart, to be unified, not to be divided, not be against anything but only for what God wants us to be doing," she explained.
The singer said she believes the song resonates with so many people because "there are so many unknowns right now, and so much fear people are dealing with, and with what's going on in our nation."
"What's really special is this tour has been almost like we're bringing buckets of water to people, and just helping them feel refreshed, and feel like, 'Oh, yeah, I don't have to do this by myself, but God is for me,' and that they're being reminded of the power of faith and the power of prayer," she said. "That God is moved by faith. So a song like 'Heal Our Land,' and declaring these things of God we pray, we humble ourselves, we seek your face. God said that if we would do that, He would heal our land, and I think they're experiencing that on these nights of worship."
She added that ultimately, "Jesus really is the answer."
"I know people say that a lot, but it really is the truth," she said. "And the simplicity of the cross. Sometimes people try to make it so complex or that it's about these rules and regulations, but it's not. It's about relationship with Jesus."
In a previous interview with the Christian Post, Jobe encouraged millennials that are hurting over the current condition of the world to turn to God in prayer.
"Honestly, if I was sitting in a room with millennials, people of my same age and younger, I would just say, 'OK, stop whining and stop being fearful and get on your face and pray. We have to pray. We have to take it to prayer before we take it to social media," she advised.
"We're so surrounded with sharing our feelings and making sure our opinions are put out there because we know people are listening and watching so we feel like there's a responsibility to say something, but I'm trying to be careful to not say something before I've prayed it."
When she finds herself discouraged by the state of the country, she asks herself, "'What's the perspective of God?' It comes back to some of the stuff that I just wrote for this album. God, you knew this was gonna happen before it happened, nothing surprises Him."