KJ-52: Rapper of the New Christian Era

What a breath of fresh air it is to see KJ-52, a Caucasian American MC, touching the lives of many hip hop lovers with his stirring expressions of God’s love An arena that reigns high in the secular world, hip-hop/rap has had the power to influence and tap into the lives of many young souls. KJ-52, one of few who dedicate his/her incredible compositions solely to God’s glory, proclaims the good news of Christ powerfully.

What sets KJ-52 apart from others in the hip-hop/rap genre is his desire to use the form of art to share the Gospel and love of God. Even in the Christian rap world, he stands as one who doesn’t comply to the worldly beliefs and trends. Where ever he goes, the life of the gospel is proclaimed—from huge festivals, and churches, to the hip hop club scene.

KJ-52’s most recent release It’s Pronounced Five-Two runs through strong themes of forgiveness, and light-hearted humor, to serious thoughts on subjects like divorce and suicide. It offers comfort, encouragement, insightful reflections into life, and a fresh challenge to the listeners. His music calls for the respect that an artist of his nature should receive.

“I use humor is a means to open the audience up to the more intense things in some of my songs. After all, 70 minutes of hard core heavy hitting on big-time issues is tough to take, at a show or on disc. By interjecting levity into the mix—literally and figuratively—I give us all a chance to take a deep breath. It makes the hip hop experience much more authentic, ultimately, in the same way that not blinking at the rougher edges of our culture does. Mind you, you don’t have to scratch very deeply, even in the whimsical songs, to find deeply serious subject matter,” KJ-52 says.

As KJ-52 was beginning to be acknowledged in the music world, more judgment was also passed as the rapper was compared to the renowned white rapper, Eminem. Although it wasn’t positive, this was an opportunity for KJ-52 to reach out to fans of hard-core secular rap. It was during that time that he wrote “Dear Slim,” which brought controversy among listeners. Then “Dear Slim Part Two” came out with profound words of concern and love towards someone who seemed so cold.

“But a lot of people they just seem to get the song confused

see what I say to you I know it might even sound funny

but I never came at you just to paint you as the enemy

it wasn't about hating you or starting some controversy

it wasn't about blaming you or trying to make some money

I don’t claim to know everything that you’ve experienced

Man I don’t even know if you’ll even ever be hearing this

but I said it once and I still hold to this

is that a life without Christ is still a life that is never fixed"

“The problem was,” says KJ, “that people understood ‘Dear Slim’ as a big diss on him, when that wasn’t my intent at all. It was really a reflection on the responsibility of the artist, and my heart for Em(inem), my desire that the pain and confusion in his life—which he expresses in his music—might find their answer in a relationship with Christ, and that he express that to his audience instead of just giving them back that same anguish and confusion.”

Not being confined by anything, KJ-52 expresses his heart and soul for the world. His compassion for the people of the world is integrated into every song…and the message of the gospel proudly rapped. It is this dedication to the Father in Heaven that marks It’s Pronounced Five-Two as an astonishing project and him as a rapper to be cherished for generations.