By Charles Stanley
Colossians 1:9-12
Many Christians wonder, Can I know the will of God? Our heavenly Father’s unique plan guarantees us an intimate relationship with Him, but we often are uncertain how to stay on the path set before us. We can be sure of His will when we evaluate every decision prayerfully and scripturally. We should ask:
Is this decision consistent with God’s Word? Don’t guess. Look for passages that either show you’re on the right route or give you reason not to proceed. If we cannot find a biblical situation comparable to ours, we can always find applicable truths.
Is this decision wise? In order to answer the question, we will need to think about financial obligations, future consequences, timing, and the benefit or harm to others. As we delve into matters such as these, the Holy Spirit will testify to our spirit about the wisdom of moving forward.
Can I honestly ask God to enable me to achieve this? The idea that we can ask the Lord for any desire is a lie. For example, we cannot ask Him to bless or ignore a fraudulent scheme, no matter how badly we might need the money. Anything we obtain outside of God’s will turns to ashes.
Do I have genuine peace about proceeding with this decision? In your quiet time, bring your concern before God. If there isn’t a ripple of hesitation in your heart, if you understand the Lord to be saying yes, and if your conscience and emotions are giving the go-ahead, then you have perfect peace. Should you experience anything less than this, stop and wait.
Yes, you can know God’s will.
Used with Permission