Korie Robertson of "Duck Dynasty" fame has revealed her family was targeted by white supremacists after they adopted their biracial son, Will.
In a recent interview with CBN, Korie said that after her family shot to fame following the premiere of "Duck Dynasty" in 2012, they became the target of hatred.
"When our family hit mainstream and all the sudden all of America's watching, they noticed our son's biracial and we got comments and we got hate and negativity and we were actually targeted by white supremacists at one point," she shared. "So it's just shocking and scary and sad to know that that still exists in our country."
"I think we've come a long way but it's still there sadly," Korie continued. "I can't believe people still do this, but it's always going to be shocking when someone thinks they're better than someone else just because of the color of their skin. That should always shock us, and we should always fight against that."
Willie and Korie Robertson adopted Will, 16, when he was just five weeks old - and have always been open with him about his past.
"It's never been a secret," Willie previously told People Magazine. "For one thing, he's biracial, so it was obvious. But here's the thing: when we look at him, we don't see an adopted kid. It doesn't even cross our minds. He's as much ours as our biological children."
"If we're able to make even one family consider adoption, we'll do it," he added. "I don't know where his life would have been - I won't say it would have been bad - but he probably wouldn't have been with a father if we hadn't adopted him. There are so many kids out there who need help, and it doesn't matter what age, color, sex they are."
Last year, the Louisiana native and her husband adopted a 13-year-old boy, Rowdy, to join their five other children: John Luke, Sadie, and Bella, Will, and their foster daughter, Rebecca.
Speaking to CBN, Korie emphasized that the church should step up and be the leader for racial healing in our country.
"I think we need to speak up, and we need to talk about it. Sometimes we kind of just don't talk about it because maybe in some ways we don't know what to say. We don't want to make a mistake. We want to be politically correct, so we just stay silent and hope that it gets better, and that's really not the way to healing," she said. "You know we do have to talk about it and we have to have open dialogue, and open conversation about it, and we have to act, we have to show that this is not the way to be, and we have to show that by our actions and by what we do."
Korie admitted that it's been a "rough couple of years with the election" and said she doesn't always agree with President Trump. Still, Christian women "can't just put our head in the sand," she said.
"I think that this is a time that we need to figure out how to come together, how to find that commonality, find the common ground, find the things that we do agree on and how to work towards a more peaceful, a more unified country," she explained. "A big part of that is just going to God in prayer and just taking it to him."