Latest Poll Says Same-Sex Marriage May Stay in Massachusetts

The latest poll conducted by the Associated Press states that same-sex marriage may stay, but Christian groups will rally together on Sept 14 to urge legislators to approve the amendment.

In an Associated Press poll, conducted on Sept 6-9, the survey found that 104 legislators would vote against a proposed amendment that would ban gay marriage but allow civil unions.

The amendment hearing, scheduled for Wed, needs 101 votes out of the 200-member Judicial Court in order to appear before voters on the 2006 ballot.

Legislators, who said they would vote against the amendment cited that they supported same-sex marriages or that they were against civil unions because of discrepancies in trying to please both gay activists and pro-family groups.

The Massachusetts Family Institute (MFI), a Christian organization dedicated to preserving the definition of the family, is requesting that supporters attend the Constitutional Convention on Sept 14 at the State House in Boston.

"While several media outlets are reporting that the…Amendment is almost guaranteed to fail, we believe we must make a show of force in opposition to this amendment at the convention to assure its defeat," the MFI website said.

Some legislators who will continue to support the amendment, which includes Democrat Rep. James H. Fagan who said that he does not oppose same-sex marriage, but will vote yes on the constitutional amendment because he wanted the Massachusetts citizens to voice their opinion.

"I support their right to vote," but "I would suggest that people do not vote to amend our constitution," Fagan told AP.

Meanwhile, proponents of the amendment still favor a stronger amendment that would ban gay marriage as well as civil unions.

Anti-gay marriage in Massachusetts allows a key moment for Christian groups.