Franklin Graham festival will be launched on April 1 in Victory Room, Telstra Dome Melbourne. Church leaders are invited to attended the special celebration with the hope this event will be a blessing to their congregation as well as their local community.
Speakers at the launch will include Franklin Graham, through video link, Dr Tom Phillips, BGEA vice president for crusades and training and Archbishop Peter Watson, the patron of this festival. There will also be song presentation by Marina Prior.
David Godby of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association hopes this event will infuse people with a vision for God.
"Then they in turn can enthuse the people of the church to be involved in personal evangelism climaxing in the Franklin Graham event at the Telstra Dome, 18-20 March 2005. It is just 12 months today until it happens!" said Godby.
Deputy Executive Chairman of BGEA Australia, Graeme Pearson, wanted to put God back on the headlines.
"We want to put God back on the front page of the newspaper. We want to have a voice for God in the government and in the press.
"The most exciting thing about an event like this is the Christian unity. It draws the entire Christian community together. Everyone is working and worshipping together.
"We are talking about a process not an event. It is 45% preparation, 10% proclamation and then 45% preservation," said Pearson.
Rev Bob Thomas, executive chairman of the festival urges everyone to pray for this event and encouraged church leaders to be involved in seeking for a movement of the Holy Spirit in the city and state.
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