LCMS World Mission Pentecost 2000+ Intiative Reaches Goal

LCMS World Mission, the global Gospel outreach of The Lutheran Church--Missouri Synod, announced yesterday that their Pentecost 2000+ initiative reached and surpassed its goal of beginning 1,000 new cross-cultural ministries by the close of the 2001-2004 triennium.

“Currently, there are 1,008 ministries on the Pentecost 2000+ Web site,” said LCMS World Mission Pentecost 2000+ coordinator Marie Biesenthal.. “What’s important about that number is that [through these efforts,] people have heard and learned of Jesus. What’s also important is the number of LCMS members who have shared their faith and their hope in knowing their Lord and Savior.”

The Pentecost 2000+ Web site,, launched on May 1, 1999, has recorded various outreach ministries to immigrants and refugees living in North America such as English-As-a-Second-Language (ESL) classes, food pantries, job skill seminars and more. On the site, one can read how LCMS congregations have brought the message of Jesus Christ to multi-ethnic peoples in North America, learn from their experiences and use the information to network with groups doing similar outreach. The initiative was affirmed by the 1998 Synod convention as Pentecost 2000 and was reaffirmed by the 2001 convention as Pentecost 2000+.

“LCMS members share their faith, because the spirit of Christ, the spirit of Pentecost, lives in them,” states Dr. Robert Scudieri, LCMS World Mission associate executive director for the National mission team and a leader for the Pentecost 2000+ initiative. “They have Pentecost eyes that see all people as God’s people.”

A special event to praise and give thanks to God and to celebrate what He has done through Pentecost 2000+ will be held at America’s Center, St. Louis, Missouri, July 9-10, 2004, in conjunction with the LCMS Synod Convention.