Life Action Ministries' New National Center Found

On Saturday, Sept. 18, Life Action Ministries will unveil its new National Ministry Center in Michigan to the public. The open house marks the cumulation of nearly three decades of patience and endurance in getting the idea to reality.

The dream of obtaining a national center in Michigan began in 1976 when Life Action Ministries founder Del Fehsenfeld Jr and national administrator Bryron Paulus said one to another to purchase an 82-acre plot of land in Buchanan, Michigan. The dream came true in 2001 when Life Action Ministries received enough fund to pay for the $4 million housing facility in the area.

Under 3 years of construction, the center is finally ready for use. In addition to office space, a mailroom, and a small library, the new complex is well-wired with T1 lines for Internet access, 90,000 feet of Internet cable and 200 Internet connections in the building. In addition to the Ministry Center, the other 75 acres of Life Action's 82-acre parcel include The Lodge. It serves as a leadership retreat center for churches, clergy, and those in need of a break.

Paulus, executive director of Life Action Ministries, said that the new center is a testament to the value of the surrounding community who donated and funded for almost everything to build the complex.

"We built (the complex) around things that were given," admitted Paulus. "Everything is geared towards helping people and churches."

Life Action Ministries is a non-profit organization founded in 1971. The mission of Life Action focuses on sending out "road teams" across the country to minister through revival crusades. The goal is to help people see God giving birth to revival as part of a spiritual awakening.