LifeWay Adopts New Budget Plan to Expand its Ministry

On Tuesday, Sept. 14, the trustees at the Lifeway Christian Ministries adopted a record 2005 operating budget of $446 million and approved a significant investment expansion to the organization’s conference centers. The board of trustees made the announcement at the LifeWay Ridgecrest Conference Center near Asheville, N.C.

At the meeting, Ted Warren, LifeWay's Chief Operating Officer, cited many major accomplishments in 2004, including the introduction of the Holman Christian Standard Bible; the Holman Bible has become one of the best-selling Bibles in the United States in only a few months since its release.

Warren also told trustees that LifeWay is planning to expand its operation on spiritual revivalism which requires the organization to strategize plans for revenue growth. For the coming fiscal year, Warren said all LifeWay divisions are expecting increased expenses as its Christian Stores division plans to add new stores, and its church resources and Broadman & Holman divisions add staff.

Warren concluded that financial support is a revitalizing force keeping the ministry to continuously influence millions of Christians worldwide.

“It’s how to deliver significant spiritual results. It’s how to achieve 1 million baptisms. It’s how to help grow churches and reach people for Christ like we’ve never done before," Warren said.