Living by Faith

Matthew 21:18-22

In Mark 9:17-26, we read about a father whose son was possessed by a demon. The man came to Jesus, asking Him to heal the boy, if it was possible. The Lord lovingly shared that He could accomplish anything if the man had faith. The dad responded, “I do believe; help my unbelief.”

What a revealing statement. Even Christians will experience some doubt with regard to God’s ways, truth, or ability. Thankfully, He is gracious and meets His children where they are.

But the Bible is clear that doubt causes difficulty. First, it affects the believer’s fellowship with God. Second, disbelief thwarts one’s prayer life, as the Lord does not answer a doubting heart. Third, uncertainty can lead to dependence upon the flesh and, therefore, inhibits fruitful service. All of these can lead to discouragement.

Let’s explore how to overcome a lack of assurance. Prayerfully consider what causes you to question. For example, were you taught something untrue such as an “all law, no grace” understanding of God? Or perhaps there is not enough of His Word hidden in your heart. Now, recall a time when you trusted the Lord and He responded; remember how it felt to rely totally upon Him. And, most importantly, meditate upon Scripture.

God wants you to walk in the freedom of faith-full confidence in Him. This eliminates anxiety because the almighty, all-knowing, loving Father is able to guide, strengthen, and lead His children to victory. If you haven’t been living with belief, start today. Don’t miss out on His best!

Used with permission from In Touch Ministries, Inc. © 2009

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