CHICAGO -- "Luther," a motion picture about the life of Martin Luther, will be released nationwide Sept. 26 in theaters. Co-produced by Minneapolis-based Thrivent Financial for Lutherans and Neue Filmproduktion of Berlin, the film will open in more than 300 theaters in 45 major markets.
Luther, a German church reformer, wrote 95 Theses, a series of statements outlining Luther's disagreements with church policy at that time. The film features Luther's life after he posted the 95 Theses on the door of a church and the papacy put a bounty on his head, regarding Luther as dangerous.
"This film offers an entertaining, up-close look at Luther and his passion for truth," said Dennis Clauss, co-executive producer of the movie and Thrivent Financial for Lutherans' church and community project leader. "The movie captures with historical integrity the magnitude of Martin Luther's life, helping viewers understand his significance to the Lutheran faith and to world history."
The movie was shot on more than 100 sets in 20 locations throughout Germany, Italy and the Czech Republic. The film stars Joseph Fiennes ("Shakespeare in Love," "Enemy at the Gates"), Alfred Molina ("Frida," "Chocolat"), and two-time Oscarr winner Peter Ustinov ("Spartacus," "Topkapi").
Thrivent Financial for Lutherans is a not-for-profit Fortune 500 financial services organization with nearly 3 million members.