Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade is about to celebrate its 90th anniversary, which is definitely an achievement that is not to be sneezed at. However, as we all know, there needs to be a heightened sense of security all around taking into consideration the possible methods and avenues where a terrorist might be able to strike at any time. Any large crowd is always a good target, since it is difficult to get away, not to mention being able to inflict maximum damage at the same time. In fact, the upcoming Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade will see the New York Police Department beefing up security measures. This is not being paranoid as a recent edition of a magazine that was published by the Islamic State did brand the event as an "excellent target." Those two words alone send shivers down my spine, to say the least.
It was the November 11th edition of Rumiyah, which has been Islamic State’s English language propaganda magazine for some time already, laid down the marker or focus point when it comes to attacks of the vehicular kind. In that edition, it highlighted the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade that will make its way through Manhattan, and has been a mainstay in the city for the past 89 years without fail. Word of possible attacks attributed to publications like the one mentioned earlier has gone through the intelligence all the way to the top brass.
John Miller, the NYPD'S deputy commissioner of intelligence and counterterrorism, is more than up to the task, citing that the police had already implemented precautionary measures just in case an attack of such nature happens. Miller did share that he himself makes the effort to join the parade every single year, and while he is not going to take the possibilities of a threat happening lightly, this will not result in fear that will hold back his presence from the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade in 2016. In fact, he has also advised locals as well as visitors to make a beeline for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade this coming November 24th.
According to Police Commissioner James O'Neill, the public not ought to be unduly alarmed, since the NYPD are more than capable of handling such a situation, since they have had experience in managing such high profile and congested events, and that the parade will be the safest place in New York City.
It would be interesting to know that as revelers ourselves, we should not let fear hold us back. However, we can do our bit to make sure that in the event of an emergency, we know what to do. It is always great to have an emergency bag with us at all times -- a go bag, or a bug out bag, they are all the same. Also, do ensure that you inform you family members and friends of where you’re headed to, especially for events like this, so at least they will have an inkling of an idea to help out the authorities in the event where additional information is required.