Six Weeks into Mark Driscoll Controversy, Mars Hill Church Maintains Faith amid 'Trying Time'

Mark Driscoll
Mark Driscoll

This week marks six weeks since Head pastor at Mars Hill Church, Mark Driscoll, announced that he would be stepping down as pastor while investigations continue.

Driscoll has been accused of creating a climate for fear through verbally abusive language, using ministry funds inappropriately, lacking self-control, and conveying a prideful dictatorial attitude. 

Mark Driscoll founded Mars Hill Church, Acts 29, and other Christian networks. With Driscoll gone, the church tries to function as usual, however, they eagerly await the conclusion Son this matter.

"The reality is it's been six weeks and the investigation is ongoing and we are waiting to get the results of that," Mars Hill Pastor Matthias Haeusel said. "Our body has come together to celebrate Jesus and to wait and see what the outcome might be."

All politics aside, "The Church" is a body of people, not a building.

"We're glad that there's a church that we can come to and continue worshipping Jesus," Haeusel said. "At the end of the day the church is not a building. It is people, and our hope is that a lot of people are going to make that transition."

Mars Hill closed their University District and downtown location, hoping that people would go to Ballard. Attendance has declined, but the Church continues to love and support each other during this difficult time.

"It's been difficult, but it's been amazing to see each other love each other while in the midst of a trying time," Haeusel said.