Marriage Equals One Man Plus One Woman

California Campaign for Children and Families Tours 15 Major Cities of California

The Headquarter of Campaign for Children and Families, CCF is established in Sacramento, and they are holding a large gathering to support protecting traditional marriages this week. Between Feb 14 and Feb 19, CCF has toured 15 of the major cities in California, starting from Sacramento to San Diego, and had a total of 50 press conferences.

On February 17, in the press conference of California governor Arnold Schwaseneggar, CCF protested against Assembly Bill 19 proposed by California Democratic senator. AB 19 case is planning to change the wording of ‘one man and one woman’ wording to ‘two people’ in the marriage laws.

CCF president Randy Thomason states, “God wants to establish the one man and one woman marriage union. We cannot add any other interpretations. San Francisco will plan actively advocate this meaning to the congress.”

The early California laws did not provide a special additional definition for the marriage sex. Up until 1977, State law organization then amended “The marriage of citizens is established upon union of one man and one woman.”Voters in California endorsed this definition, and it passed California proposition 22 in year 2000.

Representing the Chinese Americans, Pastor Kao states, “In 2000, after the passing of proposition 22, among the multi-ethnic population in California, 61% of the population supports passing California’s legal marriage regulations, which still defines marriages based upon the union of one man and one woman. Same sex marriage is not allowed to exist. This is also a decision reached democratically by numerous citizens under the democratic guideline. He calls Chinese American society can actively participate in contesting against the law legalizing same sex marriage.

However, on December 6, 2004, several of the California democrats presented case AB19 attempting to amend proposition 22 regarding the rules of marriage. Proponents states, if this amendment is passed, it will negatively affect the society greatly, thus, they shall never cease their protesting voices.

Michelle Hayton, a citizen from Gilroy, also states that she supports the traditional marriages. Hayton has been married for over 10 years, and she is a mother of two children. She believes that traditional marriage can greatly help children’s growth in preparing them to cope with the challenges in life. “To allow same sex marriage is undoubtedly corrupting purity.”

CCF hopes that through guiding the mass in the right direction, and encouraging citizens to help protect the traditional marriage regulations, that more citizens can have opportunity to realize the potential dangers that traditional marriage faces. They also hope that the government can respect the will of the citizen to not let the minority in Senate to misuse the democratic guidelines and twisting the law abiding spirit, causing marriages and congressional bodies to receive negative confrontations.