Marysville Mom Whose Van Was Stolen Gets Generous Gift From Stranger

Sharon McGregor
Sharon McGregor with her four boys. Go Fund Me Page

Sharon McGregor just finished shopping for her kids' Christmas presents and decided to keep the presents inside. Little did she know that her minivan would then be stolen by thieves. The mother of four boys shopped for sweaters, pajamas, and socks for her four sons' presents as she stated that this Christmas was for what they needed.

When she found her minivan stolen along with her kids' car seats and presents, she shared her story on the news with the hopes that the thieves would return the vehicle as she now has no mode of transportation.

"I will take it back in any condition I just need it to run. It would be nice if the car seats are still in there." Her car is insured but it does not include theft and she said that she could not afford to buy a new one as she is a single mother.

But a stranger saw her story and felt compelled to do more than just share sympathy. Upon seeing Sharon McGregor share her story on the news, Karlene Petitt immediately decided to donate her Chevy Suburban to the family.

The Chevy Suburban, bought 21 years ago is affectionately nicknamed "The Beast" and has 239,000 miles but still runs well according to Petitt. She claims that the van feels like it's part of their family and has always taken good care of them. Before seeing the story of Sharon McGregor, Petitt and her husband were planning to trade the SUV for a new car, but decided against it instead when they say the story of the single mother.

Petitt, who is an author and pilot, wanted McGregor to feel hope and know that despite the theft. It's not the end of the world.

Petitt is not the only one who offered to assist the McGregors, who said she didn't expect to get such support. In fact, there was someone else who wanted to replace what she had lost. There is also a Go Fund Me page for the family, which so far earned more than $4,000 dollars.