Media Evangelism Featuring Documentary of 'The Days of Noah'

March 18, the Media Evangelism held a preferential show of their newly finished documentary.

Hong Kong - March 18, the Media Evangelism held a preferential show of their newly finished documentary "The Days of Noah". More than 100 representatives from churches and schools watched this eighty-minutes documentary, which recorded the experience and discovery of the members of the Media Evangelism in the mountains of Ararat.

The Media Evangelism claimed to have found the ark of Noah last October, in the mountains of Ararat, Turkey. Afterwards, they held dozens of press conferences around the world to announce this discovery, and started to make a documentary from what they shot in the mountain.

However, the General Director Men-fei Yun said that the documentary did not aim to prove the authenticity of their discovery, but focused on guiding people to see God and His judgement through the Flood. He emphasized that the protagonist of the documentary was God.

Yun hopes that the audience, no matter if they are Christians or not, would know through the documentary that the judgement is coming soon. Therefore, they would have a sincere attitude towards their life and their faith.

In Hong Kong, "The Days of Noah" will show in twenty-seven cinemas. This is the first time for a documentary to show in so many cinemas in Hong Kong. The Media Evangelism hopes to bring 5,000 people to Christ through it. Afterwards, they are going to put it on show all around the world.