The movie "New Born," set to release worldwide in September, came about when the founders of The Media Evangelism (TME) met with Victor Yu, an Australian-Chinese doctor in pediatrics who is famous for delivering premature babies.
Gilbert Yip, the executive director in the U.S., who is the sole promoter for America, said that the movie touches upon the purpose of our lives, especially when it comes to the creation of a baby.
"To form a baby is a miracle" and to have that "baby come into the world" is something, "we should treasure."
Based on true stories, the movie will begin with a segment on Victor Yu's life and how he wanted a child. After praying to God, he was given a son, but was unable to save him due to premature complications. His story will open other segments of parents who tried to save their baby, but had to face their own dilemmas.
Yip commented on the purpose of the movie by saying that, "Every formed baby is a miracle from God. One baby in the world has the possibility of one out of a hundred million," and when we consider this possibility we can see that, "this is why it is a miracle from God to give birth to a baby."
The message of this movie will not stop with the premieres but, TME will encourage Chinese churches to show a testimonial version of this movie by highlighting an interview with Dr. Yu that will feature his in-depth story, which is an attempt to reinforce the message of the movie.
"We have a strong message here" because we are dealing with "the life of the baby and the impact that life has on the parents," Yip said and, it will further touch upon how we should view "God's purpose in our own lives."
Sixteen years ago, TME started with producing slideshows, but they now have a 24 hour Christian station called "Creation TV," the first Christian Channel in China, and have produced movies that include, "The Faith of Noah" and the "Miraclebox."
Previews of the movie will be shown in Hong Kong and Australia at the end of August with a guest appearance from Dr. Yu.
It will premiere in the U.S. in the middle of September starting with California, particularly in the bay area, and then, L.A, New York, Hawaii, and Dallas.
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