TIMISOARA, ROMANIA – According to ASSIST News Service, a new voice has been heard through the media of Romania where the value of ethics and Christian morals have often been ignored for the past 10 years despite its high percentage of Christian population which is 98%.
The TV studio known as ‘Alfa Omega’ in Timisoara, Romania, has created a distinguished voice in Romanian media by offering various themes including local secular TV stations, national coverage TV channels, Video Libraries for the educational system in Romania, satellite distribution, and the internet, with Video Libraries being the most distinctive.
Video Libraries -- educational video libraries for the young people in the Romanian educational system -- is a Media project implemented by Alfa Omega Romania to help answering the questions or coping problems of the young people.
This project consists in equipping schools, churches, organizations and institutions involved in the educational system with Christian videotapes, which will be served as a means of support for developing educational activities using modern teaching methods.
"Young people desire to find answers for the problems specific to their age, not only through the lessons included in their timetable, but in very diverse ways," said Alfa Omega's Tudor Petan.
"These Video libraries already exist in more than 300 schools and educational institutes and are a real support for the Religion, History, Geography, Biology, Physics, Sunday school Classes, programs for young people, etc.
The basic set contains 20 videotapes (approximately 40-50 programs). At the request of the client the basic set can be extended to several hundred programs," Petan said.
"The themes of these programs give answers to a wide range of questions that young people face, like: building up character (ethics, morals, relationships, the role of the family in the society, sexual education, AIDS, drug addiction, health care, character, integrity), enriching the cultural level (presenting the real values in Literature, History, Music), enriching general knowledge (documentaries about nature, Geography, Science and Techniques), religious and spiritual education (Religion History, Creation, Christian Values, Bible teaching)."
Petan said that through this project, Alfa Omega Foundation and its international media partners (MOODY, VisionVideo, TLN, CBN, BGEA, Gospel Films, EO-Materdaat, Patmos, TVP and many others) provides videotapes and covers a part of the cost for video libraries, considered by many a "grass roots project" for Romania.
"The teachers from the schools that already have those video libraries are very content with them," said Petan.
For example, Karla Moldovan -- vice principal at the Dumitru Ciumãgeanu School from Timisoara, says: "Our school handles children with special needs and these video tapes have proven to be a real help for these kids. They are necessary in the teaching and learning process as well as for the recovery of their behavior."
Moldovan said the videotapes provided through Alfa Omega Foundation has been very helpful to the school: "They are used as teaching aids for the Religion classes, Civic education and living skills," she said.