Miao Tribe in Gui Zhou - Real Mission Story

CHINA--- Gui Zhou, located at the southwest of Mainland China, the eastern part of Yun Gui Plateau. The province is 170,000 square kilometers with a population of 33 millions. There are one third of tribes among the whole population. The religion mix in Gui Zhou is very complicated, including Buddhism, Taoism, Islamism, Catholicism and Christianity. There are about 20- 30 thousands in the whole province. The number of Christians is growing very quickly among the tribes.

Climb Over Mountains to Worship God

For Miao Tribe Christians, they have to set off on Saturday in order to join the Sunday Service. The whole family climbed over the rugged hills along with their old blankets and food. They need to hurry for the prayer meeting before the sunset in Saturday evening. When they arrived the church, all of them knee down and prayed, even the old people knee down onto the ground without any cushion. At night, all the families slept on the floor in the church. Going on the hundred- mile journey, their only wish is to listen to the Word of God and worship God in the Holy Temple.

Shabby Village Temple, Longing Heart for God

From the photos, we can see the Holy Temple. The roof is made of tree trunks, covered with straws. Thin white plastics are stick on the window as windshield. Because there is strong wind this year, the straw on the roof is blown away. They can only have service in the Holy Temple without roof. Despite of the shabby physical environment, all people are very concentrated when listening to the message.

The Minister

In this family church with over hundred members, there is no formally qualified pastor. The only person in charge is a 50-year-old minister. Every Sunday, he will deliver the message and he also makes regular visit to church members' home. Without any transportation, he walks over mountains sending his love for them.

Once the minister send a letter to brothers in Yun Nan Church, expressing his gratitude for their clothes donation. Actually, he has experienced persecution 3 year ago. In 2000, some cults spread the teaching of "The Seventh Year Sabbath"; Christians did not sow and farm for the whole year. Therefore, Christians could not submit crop returns to the government in 2001; they were accused of destroying the productivity. Christians then blamed the minister even though he did not spread the message. He was finally put into the prison for 10 months.

Keeping the Great Mission in Heart

From the lyrics on the blackboard in the church, they had expressed their burning hearts for the Great Mission. Following the Jesus' teaching, "Therefore go and make disciples of all nation..." (Mt 28: 19). "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."(Mk 16: 15) The lyrics also give them the vision of expanding the tabernacle of God.

Christians nowadays should have a wider spiritual horizon, keeping in mind the largest "field" in China. Many disciples will go there and send to them abundant resources.