With Windows 10 release date fast approaching, the Microsoft Surface Pro 4 may debut in late summer. Last week, Microsoft's VP of Operating Systems Joel Belfiore tweeted that Windows 10 will reach stores on July 29. He urged Windows 7 and 8 users to quickly reserve their free copy of the new software.
Surface Pro 4 Debut Coinciding with Windows 10 Launch
Rumors suggest that Microsoft is holding back the Surface Pro 4 debut until Windows 10 is ready for consumers. Provided this prediction is true, there is a possibility that the tablet will reach stores sometime after July. However, this does not rule out the potential for delays.
Earlier in April, AMD chief executive Lisa Su told investors and analysts that Windows 10 will launch at the end of July. It is not clear whether Microsoft gave Su permission to announce this information.
Windows 10 is said to be an improvement over the poorly-received Windows 8. One common user gripe involved Windows 8's lack of a Start Menu. Microsoft will bring back the missing feature in Windows 10. Still, the Seattle-based company announced that there will be no major Windows release after Windows 10. Instead, users will continually receive official updates and fixes.
Fan-Less Broadwell CPU Rumored to be in Surface Pro 4
Based on the latest tech gossip, the Surface Pro 4 may be Microsoft's first fan-less tablet. In order for that to happen, the device will have to include Intel's recently released Core M "Broadwell" processor. This is a big deal, considering that many users complained about the Surface Pro 3's excessive fan noise when overheating. With newer technology, the Surface Pro 4 should be running a lot quieter.
Is Microsoft Pardoning Pirates?
In an effort to curb piracy in China, Microsoft is apparently invoking the right of parley. According to Reuters, users with non-genuine copies of the software will get free Windows 10 upgrades as long as they register with Microsoft. Also, this pardon is extending to other parts of the world.
Some observers, however, believe that this offer sounds too good to be true. The Verge warns would-be pirates that Microsoft may find ways to coerce them to pay up. For instance, the purported free Windows 10 copy may actually turn out to be trial software.
At worst, Microsoft may revert back to a favorite tactic of turning the screen black as a not-so-subtle warning to infringers. Another strategy involves denying complimentary updates, but not critical security updates. Microsoft will still regard any pirated Windows 7 and 8.x version as unauthorized software, even after the user registered for a new Windows 10 copy.