Mike Huckabee Slams Frito-Lay For Selling 'Gay Pride' Doritos, Partnering With 'Hate-Filled Bigot' Dan Savage

Doritos Rainbows
The limited-edition bags from Frito-Lay are designed to celebrate the LGBT community. YouTube

Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee has criticized Frito-Lay for selling Doritos Rainbows to raise money for It Gets Better, an LGBT non-profit group created by Dan Savage.

Earlier this month, the Doritos brand, a subsidiary of Frito-Lay Inc., released a statement about its new multiple and rainbow-colored chips inspired by the gay Pride Flag "to celebrate and support the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community in the boldest, most colorful way possible."

In a strongly-worded letter sent to the company, Huckabee pointed out that partnering with Savage, who is known for his outspoken hatred of Christianity and flagrantly liberal worldview, reflects badly on Frito-Lay.

"Please tell me that you will publicly disassociate yourself with his hate-filled rhetoric, bigotry toward people of faith, and the violent threats he has issued," Huckabee wrote in a letter to the company, according to Fox News.

"I am stunned that a corporation with a long history of making snack food would partner with someone whose vile, vulgar violent and anti-Christian bigotry is well documented," he continued.

The rainbow colored chips were sent last week to people who donated $10 or more to the group, which helped raise $100,000, Fox News says. As part of their campaign, Doritos also encouraged consumers to support the LGBT community by using the hashtag #BOLDANDBETTER on social media.

In continuing his letter, Huckabee cited one of Savage's attacks on him.

"Please view the ... video. Better yet, play it in one of your corporate board meetings and ask if it represents the values and views of Frito-Lay. If not, you should apologize, sever ties with hate groups like Savage's, and explain how you were unaware of his history," he wrote.

"If it does represent the corporate values of Frito-Lay, then the Christian community needs to be made aware that Frito-Lay has decided to not seek their business."

In response to Huckabee's letter, ABC New quoted a spokesperson for Savage as saying, "The It Gets Better Project is committed to suicide prevention and anti-bullying efforts on behalf of LGBT youth, inspired by a YouTube video created by Dan Savage five years ago this week. Unlike Mr. Huckabee, iconic corporations like Frito-Lay are on the right side of history and we appreciate their support."

In a separate statement, Frito-Lay spokeswoman Alexia Allina said that the Doritos Rainbows campaign has now ended. "Details around the fundraising efforts will be shared in the future at an appropriate time. Important to note, our involvement has just been with the It Gets Better Project. We have not partnered with Dan Savage, and he has not been involved with this initiative."