Militants Trick Starving Mother Into Eating Her 3 Y/O Child: 'This Is What Happens to Women Under ISIS Control And Nobody Cares'

A Yazidi woman who fled Sinjar Mountain re-enters Iraq from Syria at a border UNICEF

A mother captured by the Islamic State terror group was told she ate the meat of her own 3-year-old toddler, according to a horrific account shared by a Yazidi community member who criticized President Obama for failing to help those suffering at the hands of the terrorist group.

In a recent interview with Politico, Vian Dakhil revealed that as many as 2,200 Yazidi women and girls have been kidnapped by ISIS and are being used a sex slaves. Another 420,000 Yazidis are living in refugee camps, which includes thousands of children whose families have been abducted by the terror group.

"We don't know what happened to those children, sometimes we see photos about those children, the girls with the black scarf with the hijab, and the boys with the scarf [gestures to head], they learn how to fight," she revealed.

Dakhil shared one particularly gruesome story, where IS fighters forced a starving mother to eat the meat of her own young child, or at least told her so.

"One of the mothers calls me ... she said 'for two days the ISIS doesn't give me any food' and they separated her children. One of them is 3 years and another is 5 years, after two days they give her rice with meat. After she's eating, she tell her this is your boy - 3 years," Dakhil said.

"She tells me please, I can't, I don't know what can I do - I'm eating my son. This is what happened with those woman under ISIS control and nobody cares."

Dakhil and her sister, Deelan Dakhil, are looking to set up a U.S.-based charitable foundation to raise money for Yazidi refugees. One woman she has helped was forced to watch 9-year-old daughter being raped to death, Dakhil revealed.

She told the news outlet that she has sent countless letters to the White House, asking for assistance, but has received no answer.

"This is I say to Mr. Obama, 'Do you agree with [this]? A woman-she ate her son.'"

Since overtaking large swaths of Iraq and Syria, ISIS militants have abducted thousands of men, women and children from the Christian and Yazidi minorities. While the men are given an ultimatum: convert to Islam or be killed, the women and girls are frequently sold to fighters as sex slaves or given as "prizes."

Many of the women and girls have been forced to undergo abortions after being raped by the militants, leaving them unable to move or speak, freed Yazidi girls have revealed.

Ameena Saeed Hasan, a Yazidi women who escaped ISIS captivity, recently told CNN that hundreds of women and girls are taking their own lives rather than be subjected to sex slavery.

"I have some pictures of the girls who have committed suicide ... when they lose hope for rescue and when ISIS many times sell them and rape them ... I think there is maybe 100. We lost contact with most of them," she said.

Since escaping captivity, Hasan works as an activist raising awareness for the plight of Yazidis, and has helped many women escape captivity along with the help of her husband, Khalil.

However, she says she is haunted by the thought of the women she has not been able to save: "I cannot sleep, I cannot forget what has happened to them," she said. "[They ask] When will you rescue us? But I don't have the answer. I'm not a government. I'm not anything. I'm just people. It's very difficult."